Source code for plogpro.logger

from abc        import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from datetime   import datetime

from .settings  import config, LogType, ReleaseType

[docs]class LogMessage: """Container class for log messages This class contains all the necessary information about a log message and is used to send this information from the base class ``Logger`` to an actual implementation of a logger. More specifically, when a user calls the ``log()`` method of a logger, a ``LogMessage`` will be created and passed on to the ``write_message()`` implementation. Arguments: msg (str) The message msg_type (LogType, optional) The message type that indicates its severity, this should be one of the options given by the enumeration ``LogType`` (default: ``LogType.INFO``) Attributes: msg (str) The text message given to the ``log()`` function type (LogType) The type of the log message time (datetime) The time of the log message timestring (str) A formatted string with the date and time of the message """ def __init__(self, msg, msg_type): if not isinstance(msg, str): raise ValueError("The given message is not a string.") if not isinstance(msg_type, LogType): raise ValueError("The message type is not an instance of the enum \"Type\".") self.msg = msg self.type = msg_type self.time = self.timestring = self.time.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S")
[docs]class Logger(metaclass=ABCMeta): """Base class that provides an interface for different loggers To be able to log messages using a logger of your choice, e.g. ``TextLogger``, create an instance of that logger. You can then use the method ``log(msg, msg_type)`` to actually write a log message to a file. To implement a new logger, create a class that inherits from ``Logger`` and at least has a method ``write_message(self, msg)`` that accepts one argument: an instance of the ``LogMessage`` class. If you need to do anything once in the beginning or the and, you can override the ``setup()`` and/or ``teardown()`` methods respectively. Warning: The ``log()`` method should **not** be overwritten. """ def __init__(self): if config["release"] < ReleaseType.RELEASE_QUIET: self.setup() def __del__(self): if config["release"] < ReleaseType.RELEASE_QUIET: self.teardown() def setup(self): pass def teardown(self): pass
[docs] def log(self, msg, msg_type=LogType.INFO): """Write a log message Arguments: msg (str) The message msg_type (LogType, optional) The message type that indicates its severity, this should be one of the options given by the enumeration ``LogType`` (default: ``LogType.INFO``) """ if ((config["release"] == ReleaseType.RELEASE_QUIET) or (config["release"] == ReleaseType.RELEASE and msg_type >= LogType.ERROR) or (config["release"] == ReleaseType.VERBOSE and msg_type >= LogType.INFO)): return message = LogMessage(msg, msg_type) self.write_message(message)
@abstractmethod def write_message(self, msg): raise NotImplementedError