Source code for plogpro.settings

from enum               import Enum
from    import Mapping
from functools          import total_ordering

[docs]@total_ordering class LogType(Enum): """An enumeration for indicating the severity of a log message Attributes: DEBUG Useful information for debugging only INFO General information WARNING A warning to the user ERROR Information about an error that has occurred FATAL Information about an error that resulted in a crash """ DEBUG = 1 INFO = 2 WARNING = 3 ERROR = 4 FATAL = 5 def __lt__(self, other): if self.__class__ is other.__class__: return self.value < other.value raise NotImplementedError
[docs]@total_ordering class ReleaseType(Enum): """An enumeration for indicating the state of the software using Plogpro Attributes: DEBUG Everything is enabled and as verbose as possible VERBOSE Debugging log messages (``LogType.DEBUG``) are disabled, but other messages will still be shown and profilers still work RELEASE Only log messages indicating an error (``LogType.ERROR`` or higher) are shown and profilers are disabled RELEASE_QUIET All loggers and profilers are disabled """ DEBUG = 1 VERBOSE = 2 RELEASE = 3 RELEASE_QUIET = 4 def __lt__(self, other): if self.__class__ is other.__class__: return self.value < other.value raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class Config(Mapping): """A dict-like object that contains the settings for Plogpro This class is a singleton, which means that every instance contains the same info and changes to any instance will also apply to every other instance. Use the standard instance ``config`` to avoid any confusion. Settings can be accessed using square brackets, e.g.:: print(config['release']) will print the type of release to the console. To change a setting, use the same syntax:: config['release'] = ReleaseType.DEBUG will change the release type to ``DEBUG``, which is the most verbose type. The list of attributes below shows the possible cofiguration settings. Warning: Only change the settings at the beginning of your program. Changing the settings in a later stage can result in unexpected errors. For example, the ``setup()`` or ``teardown()`` methods that are available in most base classes will not be called if ``config['release'] == ReleaseType.RELEASE_QUIET``, therefore a file that needs to be opened and closed in those methods will not be available is the type of release changes from ``ReleaseType.RELEASE_QUIET`` to a more verbose type after creating e.g. a logger or profiler. Attributes: release (ReleaseType) The state of the software that uses Plogpro """ # Default configurations _defaults = { "release": ReleaseType.DEBUG, } # Override __new__ to make this class a singleton _instance = None def __new__(cls): if cls._instance is None: cls._instance = object.__new__(cls) return cls._instance # Set default settings def __init__(self): self._store = self._defaults def __getitem__(self, key): return self._store[key] # Only allow changing valid keys def __setitem__(self, key, value): if key not in self._defaults.keys(): raise KeyError if type(key) != type(self._defaults[key]): raise ValueError("A value of type {} is expected for the setting '{}', but got type {}.".format( type(self._defaults[key]), key, type(key))) self._store[key] = value # Don't allow deleting items def __delitem__(self, key): pass def __iter__(self): return iter(self._store) def __len__(self): return len(self._store)
config = Config()